Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Things that go Bump...

     Well well well.... it's only been about a month since my last post. In my defense, I can now let you guys know that I have had a rough last few months, thus my sporadic blogging. By "rough" I mean I spent most of the last four months with my head in the toilet (this is my ever so cute way of letting you all know that I am 18 weeks preggo). Yes that is correct, baby #2 is on route and due to arrive this September. After losing a pregnancy in the fall I was super excited to get pregnant again, although less excited to get sicker than I have ever been before in my life. The good news is that the nausea and such has subsided quite a bit, and I can begin to get back to some semblance of a normal life again (that is... until I get a newborn... and little bean turns 2... and I will never know "normal" again...)
     One of the biggest challenges I've had in the last few months was just trying to keep up with little bean and everything around the house, cooking being one of them. Not going to lie, it would have been way easier on most nights (especially when I was puking) to just toss a frozen pizza in the oven and be done with it. It was far more difficult to push through and make pizza dough from scratch... I am proud to say that I pushed through and, 90% of the time, was able to stick with our new way of eating. There were a few slips, like Easter dinner at both my mom and in-laws, one night where we ordered a pizza from Panago, and a birthday celebration for Sean's Grandma that saw me eat take out chinese food, cake, and 3 glasses of root beer. The day after the birthday party I was rewarded for my indulgences with a giant migraine that made the surface of my head sore to the touch for 3 days afterward. Needless to say, I probably won't be going quite so overboard like that again. Maybe it was the chinese food, the red dye in the cake icing, or the god-knows-what in the Root Beer. Regardless, I think I can safely say that my pop drinking is behind me. It just doesn't seem worth it anymore.
    I have noticed a couple of things in the last while. I can definitely notice a change in my tastebuds, and I don't seem to need food to be quite so sweet or salty anymore. I feel like I am beginning to really TASTE my food, which probably sounds a bit odd. What I mean is that, I can eat a grapefruit for breakfast without needing to coat it in sugar....things like that.
    I've also noticed HOW MUCH I NEED TO BE ORGANIZED! Really, doing a weekly menu is a must. Because so much of what we eat is made from scratch, I have to be really on the ball with things like taking meat out of the freezer at night, soaking beans overnight, etc... I have to really keep track of what I buy and plan menus accordingly so that everything gets used up and nothing gets wasted. Before I started making these changes I really had no idea how much food I wasted. Like, horrible amounts of food. Leftovers that wouldn't get eaten up and go bad in the fridge, produce that wouldn't get used and inevitably go green and furry..... potatoes that started to grow more potatoes.... you get the idea. It really makes me sad how much food we had been wasting with absolutely no idea. Enough that I'm sure my depression-era grandfather was rolling in his grave. I get sadder still when I think of all the people on this earth who don't have enough to eat, and here I am letting things rot in my fridge. Eating unprocessed, organic food on a budget has DEFINITELY made us a lot less wasteful, so another benefit there!
    For all of you wondering about our fur babies, we also made the switch for them as well. The poor little things were eating Beneful and Fancy Feast... which until I looked into it I didn't realize I may have just as well been feeding them anti-freeze. You may not agree with me on this one, but I feel a lot better sleeping at night knowing that ALL of my babies are eating healthy. Yes, it will mean our grocery budget will have to go up a bit, but I feel it is well worth it. I went to Global Pet foods on the north end of Red Deer here because it is closest to me. They were very sweet and took a lot of time talking to me and answering all of my questions. The sweet manager didn't even seem to mind when little bean walked over to a wall and proceeded to remove all of the doggie toys.... sigh.... (I helped put them back!)
     I will do a post in a couple of days and let everyone know how our budget for April went. I will also try to do some more in the next while and let everyone know what we have been eating, as that seems to be a big question (so.... what DO you eat?) Answer: FOOD!

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