Tuesday, June 25, 2013

How to Stay on Budget: Not Wasting Food

So my 400$ - $500 grocery budget was blown out of the water April, May and it looks like June as well. By blown out of the water I mean it was closer to the $500-$600 range. April was around $540 and May was a whopping $620. So far June is sitting around the $600 mark. What I am noticing is that 3 things seem to have really affected my budget:

1. Not having a detailed enough budget. Ex, how much should go towards the pets? How much spent on dairy? How much spent on produce? etc.... I have been keeping track of where exactly my grocery budget goes this month and it has been pretty eye opening. (My family really, really, REALLY likes dairy!) After June wraps up I will do a more detailed post about how I am managing, tracking, and allocating the money in my grocery budget from now on.

2. Not meal planning ahead of time because I'm too lazy/pregnant/busy.... and going along with that..

3. Letting food go to waste!

It is really hard to see food in my kitchen go to waste simply because of poor planning or a complete lack of planning on my part. For the first time in history, there is enough food on this planet to feed everyone on it. Yet people are still starving... why? Because they can't access the food they need, while others of us live in what the Pope has referred to as a "culture of waste." In fact, he has actually stated outright that "Wasting food is like stealing from the poor." Whatever your thoughts are on Catholicism, the man has a point. Here's a couple of links for those that are interested:

It is actually kind of disturbing when you think about it, how conditioned we are in North America to just mindlessly throw away food without even thinking about it. I mentioned before how I'm sure my depression-era grandfather is probably rolling in his grave looking at all the food going to waste in my fridge. We just seem to have a different mindset. I know for myself, I grew up spoiled when it came to food. It was always so abundant in my childhood home, always at least 6 cereals to choose from, 8 kinds of pop to choose from, fresh bread and milk at all times.... lack of food was not something that I ever worried about. I know for a fact I was one of those kids who would stare at a completely full fridge, close the door and then grumble "There's nothing to eat around here!"

There was a post that made the rounds on facebook a while back, and it really speaks to this notion of different cultural attitudes and traditions around food. For those of you who haven't seen it, a photographer traveled around the world and took photos of what a weeks worth of food looks like in different countries:

It really is something to think about. Not just for budget reasons, but for philosophical reasons as well (wow, I'm really getting deep right now!)

That all being said, I set a goal for myself this next month to not have to throw any food away! Not one Ziploc container full! I plan to do this by firstly, planning my meals out in advance. Secondly, I will look in my fridge to see what needs to be used up, and plan my dinners around that instead of what I feel like eating. Lastly, I plan to follow a more structured budget, so that I don't needlessly buy food that will not get used. Also, I think I will try a hand at freezing some produce, so I'll let you know how that goes as well. That's about all from the Stewart house for now, time to get off the computer and go be a domestic goddess.

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