Thursday, April 25, 2013

Deeper down the Rabbit Hole...

     So, something rather interesting happened to me last night while I was making dinner. On Wednesday nights I teach a dance class so little bean stays at Gramma's house until I pick her up around 7. Gramma is very nice and both feeds and baths little bean, so that all I have to do is pick her up, listen to her snore on the drive home, and then plunk her into bed as soon as we get there. Because Sean is usually still at work, this usually means that Wednesday evenings are a bit of a freebie for me, in that I can indulge whatever my preggo cravings want. Last night it was Nachos... don't judge....
     So there I was in my kitchen, organizing my organic nacho chips on a baking tray, shredding my local organic cheese, cutting up my organic olives, green onions and tomatoes... when low and behold I noticed something....

Now, my first reaction went something like this: Are you freaking kidding me? Israel? My freaking tomato is from Israel? How the hell did it get here?

     So.... ya... when I stopped to think about it, I realized it probably came here on a big jet plane, and then inevitably went driving around on a truck before finally getting to Save on Foods. And so... deeper down the rabbit hole I go. Not that I have anything against food from Israel, I just think that it should be, you know, feeding people in Israel, not North America. So really, as much as I want to buy organic, non GMO tomatoes, I also really (and maybe even more so) would like to buy food that is grown LOCALLY, like, preferably no more than a province or two away, but at least on the same damn continent as me. I have had a few people message me and tell me about an organization here in Red Deer called Pure Earth Organics, which seems to be sort of like a CSA thing. I am thinking I may need to give them a try. At first I was a little resistant to the whole CSA thing, because I am realizing that I have been spoiled and am used to having whatever I want, whenever I want. Be it tomatoes or blueberries in the dead of winter, or asparagus in November, I am not used to eating what is in season at ALL!
     The thing that I am really beginning to realize, is that I DO NOT LIVE IN SOUTH AMERICA and I do, in fact, live in CANADA. What I am getting at is that I live in a climate that will not grow tomatoes and blueberries for 10 months out of the year. So, in order to eat local, I am beginning to see that I will need to begin to eat seasonally as well.... Sigh... further down the rabbit hole.... Just when I think I am beginning to reach the bottom, deeper down I go.

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